Grant Awarded - M2Test

M2TEST: innovative osteoporosis testing. Team lead by women entrepreneurs and clinicians.

"The Prospera acceleration Program provided an astonishing number of seminars and interaction on several aspects of establishing a company, pitching the product and going to the market in the USA. It also provides a forum for exchanging ideas among female startuppers from different countries and cultures. It is a “safe environment” where you can express doubts and difficulties without fear of being judged.
Within the Prospera acceleration Program, a mentor is given to each startup. This is how M2TEST came into contact with Gail Gannon, an exceptional mentor and investor. Already from the first meeting we revolutionized the pitch by changing the focus and looking for what was the most attractive and easy to understand.
Moving our focus from age-related osteoporosis to fragility issues secondary to conditions or therapies, where the majority of fractures occur without an important bone loss, was a key shift in rethinking our business value proposition and it was a very important step for us and that already brought the first results in Italy, where we just received a $250k investment that will allow us to start the Clinical Trials needed to comply with the Italian Ministerial guidelines and the FDA approval process."

M2Test Co-Founders, Alessandra Nicolosi e Francesca Cosmi
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